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Advanced contact center operations with Microsoft Teams and CC4ALL: Three key insights to be shared in our upcoming joint webinar

Advanced contact center operations with Microsoft Teams and CC4ALL: Three key insights to be shared in our upcoming joint webinar

With Gartner analyst research revealing that customer experience (CX) is responsible for over two-thirds of customer loyalty, more than price and brand combined, it’s no wonder that businesses are feeling the pressure to deliver the best possible customer service – at a higher level than ever before.

Many businesses have invested significantly in digital transformation to ensure ‘business as usual’ throughout the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, with support for remote operations – including customer service. Business leaders now understand that these solutions must be long-term, supporting permanent hybrid and remote working patterns and ensuring service levels do not slip.

Enterprise technology to the rescue

Microsoft Teams has been a key enabler of enterprise communications and collaboration for organizations worldwide, but when Microsoft technology is enhanced with further powerful software it can provide a lifeline for businesses struggling to maintain high CX.

Integrating the CC4Teams solution from ContactCenter4ALL into Teams deployments for example, improves First Call Resolution rates, links together customer service agents scattered across multiple locations and provides businesses with a powerful, tailored solution to support both on-premise and remote contact center operations.

These and more common customer service pain-points will all be addressed in a new joint webinar on 9 June, featuring leading experts from Microsoft, CC4ALL and HVAC specialists Kampmann Group.

There are major benefits that businesses can unlock by deploying Microsoft Teams and CC4Teams for contact center operations, all of which will be analysed and discussed in our webinar:

1 Microsoft provides a powerful springboard to deliver advanced capabilities to enhance CX

Microsoft solutions such as Teams and the Dynamics portfolio are in use worldwide supporting many and varied day-to-day critical operations. These solutions can also be leveraged to support further key functions such as customer service, and technology providers such as CC4ALL have taken advantage of these powerful platforms to introduce rich contact center-specific capabilities, including:

Skill-based routing:
Customer frustration often stems from being transferred between departments or kept on hold while waiting for a specific expert. Skill-based routing functionality within CC4Teams connects customer queries to the right service agent at the first time of asking – ensuring issues are solved faster, and by the best-qualified expert

Omni-channel capabilities:
The days of purely phone-based contact centers are long gone – customers expect fast service, on the device of their choice, at the most convenient time of day. CC4Teams supports omnichannel contact center operations, allowing businesses to offer support across channels ranging from ‘traditional’ phone lines to social media and web chat.

Enhanced cross-team collaboration:
The large-scale business disruption experienced during the pandemic highlighted the need for engagement between managers, employees and departments spread across multiple locations. CC4Teams ensures all users of the core Teams platform can seamlessly communicate and collaborate in real-time – with cloud, on-premise and hybrid deployment options all available.

Opting for a Teams and CC4Teams deployment also enables businesses to benefit from additional integrations with the Microsoft Portfolio, such as Office 365 and Power BI – adding further business value and enriching the service experience for agent and customer alike.

2 Data reigns supreme in the contact center – unlock its full value with advanced reporting

Customer-facing departments within businesses generate a vast amount of customer and prospect data – but harnessing this data for high-quality analytics and business intelligence still remains a challenge to many organizations. CC4Teams provides contact centers with native historical and real-time reporting capabilities, helping agents access customer information in real-time and allowing management to gain high-level insights into performance. This can be further enhanced with Microsoft Power BI, providing powerful visualization features to help identify and address bottlenecks in customer service.

3 Businesses are already reaping the rewards of Microsoft Teams and CC4ALL

Microsoft Teams is firmly established as an industry-proven solution for business communications and collaboration, with over 145 million daily active users worldwide – double the user base of 2020.

The CC4ALL portfolio has now emerged as an excellent set of solutions addressing contact center challenges – from the simple to the complex, both during Covid-19 disruption and post-pandemic – with customers and partners spanning from Western Europe to South Africa.

Combining Teams and CC4Teams provides organizations with a powerful suite of contact center capabilities, deployed on top of the Microsoft Teams platform – arming customer service agents with the tools required to consistently deliver a first-class CX and keep customers happy. These deployments are also effective in cutting IT expenditure and removing the management burden of maintaining legacy, in-house phone or CRM systems solely for contact center operations.

Want to learn more? Hear directly from the experts themselves!

At CC4ALL, we know delivering excellent customer experiences and maintaining high service levels is top of the agenda for many businesses. That’s why we’ve arranged an exciting webinar in June to cover all these contact center focus areas in depth – from common pain-points and technology options right through to the CX benefits of omnichannel operations.

Our CCO, Anne-Meine Gramsma will be joined by Remco de Kramer, Product Marketing Manager Modern Workplace at Microsoft and Helmut Jansen, System Engineer at Kampmann Group to share their combined expertise from both the technology provider and end-user perspectives. The trio will explore emerging contact center trends, the benefits of Microsoft Teams adoption and further layered capabilities brought by CC4Teams integration.

This joint webinar will be broadcast live from the Microsoft studio in the Netherlands on Wednesday 9 June, 15:00 CET – don’t miss out!

This webinar was recorded and is now available on-demand

Willeke Hellenthal is Marketing Manager at ContactCenter4ALL

Connect with Willeke on LinkedIN

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