Lange Dreef 15, 4131NJ VIANEN, The Netherlands


Easy to use- easy to manage – easy insights

Same easy-on-the-eyes design

Focus on what is essential. No distractions and no clutter, only the features and functions you need. This will allow you to collaborate and work as efficiently as possible.

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Native integration


Contact Center Software running directly from Dynamics.
What could be more efficient for your sales teams than to place their outbound call directly form Microsoft Dynamic?
Not much I hear you think… and your’re right!

With CC4Dynamics, seamless integration with Microsoft Dynamics is not only possible; we’ve enhanced it with the contact center features your team needs to succeed.

Tell me more

Engage with your customers like never before!

Contact Center solutions; that is what we do! So we know like no other that integrating directly with Microsoft Dynamics (or any other CRM for that matter) and accessing all available information instantly, and in one screen, is what your sales team needs.

CC4ALL and Dynamics integrated

CC4Dynamics offers one screen that allows agents to pull-up any information they need, right there. No more opening new tabs, losing time and information, and what’s worse, losing customers.

The most sophisticated Contact Center features, intuitively, and ready to work with within no-time. It will not only reduce call handling time significantly, but it will also increase customer satisfaction. Insights in outcomes with reports (standard or Microsoft PowerBi) will make Contact Center management also a walk in the park.
Increase your control, lower your workload. Try it now!







CC4Dynamics allows control over customer experience as it provides the tooling you need to keep track of, respond to, and report on all your customer interactions. Store recordings for easy access, update data as you work, and wrap-up faster.


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