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CONTACTCENTER4ALL now seamlessly integrates with the Voice365 Suite

oneCentral expands Voice365 with the omnichannel contact center solution CC4Teams from ContactCenter4All. CC4Teams can now be integrated as a SaaS solution in existing Microsoft environments and combined with traditional telephony.In this way, contact center employees can continue to work in their trusted Microsoft Teams and at the same time benefit from additional contact center functions.…
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Go digital to ensure business continuity in the contact center space

Pandemic disruption no longer an excuse for poor customer service

Go digital to ensure business continuity in the contact center space Pandemic disruption no longer an excuse for poor customer service. “Due to COVID, it will take longer to answer your call… you are in a queue and we will try…” Heard it before? So have your customers! A reliance on traditional phone systems and…
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Meet Patrick Kneefel

CC4ALL is proudly introducing a new solutions consultant

My name is Patrick Kneefel, and I’m happy to announce my new position as Solutions Consultant for CC4ALL.I have been working in the Telecom industry for many years. I made the switch from analog to ISDN, the move from telephony to UC. And I am looking forward to providing our (prospective) customers and Business Partners…
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Pandemic no longer an excuse for poor customer service

Pandemic no longer an excuse for poor customer service

Due to COVID, it will take longer to answer your call… you are in a queue and we will try…” In recent months customers have become rightly frustrated with this response when trying to resolve a service problem or simply ask a question. Relying on a traditional phone system and customer goodwill is no longer…
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The new norm post-COVID means redefining home working

Although working from home was originally intended to be a stop-gap for many businesses during the pandemic, employers and employees alike are seeing the benefits. As Anne-Meine Gramsma, chief commercial officer at ContactCenter4ALL reports, Gartner predicts over 40% of all employees will continue remote working post-COVID and many businesses are seriously considering shifting suitable operations…
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Seamless integration of The Voice of O365 and CONTACTCENTER4ALL

Exciting news for Contact Centers.  Highlights Easy onboarding via The Voice of O365 self-service portal. Contact Center functionality instantly available on in Microsoft365. CC4Teams features operational faster than ever. Seamless integration         ContactCenter4ALL, a leader in contact center solutions for Microsoft platforms, and The Voice of O365, an international cloud service provider with a sip trunk independent…
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Move on up… to the cloud: The COVID effect on contact center operations

Move on up… to the cloud: The COVID effect on contact center operationsSince the COVID-19 outbreak, remote working has become the new normal for businesses around the world. This has started the hunt by organizations for a new working model. Many are now under pressure to find a migration approach that allows business to carry…
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The future is remote – Join our homeworking webinar with our Business Partner Actis

These are turbulent times; as the world is facing an unprecedented outbreak of the coronavirus, we realize more than ever how important it is to be and remain reachable. Homeworking has gone from a short-term solution to a long-term prospect in a matter of months. Employers and employees alike are starting to see the benefits…
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Shifting collaboration to the cloud post-Covid

Shifting collaboration to the cloud post-Covid

As the ‘Covid effect’ continues to accelerate the transition to the cloud, businesses need to put in place a deployment or migration strategy to ensure business as usual. Anne-Meine Gramsma, chief commercial officer at ContactCenter4All, discusses the case for shifting to cloud-based collaborative solutions and why Teams is a strong candidate for supporting contact centre…
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Building the remote contact center of the future

The post-COVID remote contact center: it takes more than a head set and a monitor!  Long-term remote working requires dedicated solutions Building the remote contact center of the future. Business practices have been redefined during the COVID-19 pandemic, with entire organizations having to take operations remote almost overnight to ensure business could continue seemingly undisrupted.…
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