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Category: Blog

Call & Contact Centre Expo 2021

Going to Call and Contact Centre Expo, London, 16-17 November?

Find out why picking up the phone 9-5 is no longer enough As consumer expectations continue to rise, so do the pressures surrounding customer experience (CX) – and organizations are increasingly seeking bold and innovative ways to satisfy consumers. Shining the spotlight on technology in this market is the Call and Contact Centre Expo (CCCE)…
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Joint webinar with Microsoft

Contact Center benefits when Microsoft Teams meets CC4Teams

A Contact Center needs additional functionalities such as easy cold and warm transfer, call recording, historical and real-time reporting, wallboards, home workers, operator, and supervisor settings. These and many other features are added natively by CC4Teams. Microsoft Teams is created with collaboration and communication in mind; CC4Teams adds features that allow contact centers to function…
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140 years of telephony

140 years of Telephony in the Netherlands

From traditional telephony to CC4Teams This week it is 140 years ago that the first telephone conversation was established in the Netherlands. Although telephoning was very different in 1881 than it is today, little has changed fundamentally. It is not clear what exactly the first words of the telephone conversation were 140 years ago. “I…
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Advanced contact center operations with Microsoft Teams and CC4ALL: Three key insights to be shared in our upcoming joint webinar

With Gartner analyst research revealing that customer experience (CX) is responsible for over two-thirds of customer loyalty, more than price and brand combined, it’s no wonder that businesses are feeling the pressure to deliver the best possible customer service – at a higher level than ever before. Many businesses have invested significantly in digital transformation…
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Review CC4Teams

Take a few minutes to complete a short review of your experience with CC4Teams. To make it worthwhile, we are offering €5 for each completed review as a token of appreciation. REVIEW

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